Mast Enanthate 200mg 10ml

£45.00 £


Masteron is DHT (dihydrotestosterone) derivative. There are many anabolic steroids within the family of DHT derivatives, some of which are very well known and very popular. Masteron is normally utilized as a fat loss, cutting, and most commonly, a pre-contest agent for the competitive bodybuilder. It also has its place with athletes in the department of speed sports due to its ability to increase lean mass without any water retention, and in fact, reduces water weight.

The reason as to why DHT-derivatives are so popular and useful in the world of bodybuilding and athletics is due to the fact that they are incapable of conversion (aromatization) into Estrogen. DHT is not recognized as a proper substrate for the aromatase enzyme in the body, and therefore any hormone that is derived from DHT will assume these same qualities. On the other hand, no estrogenic effects what so ever should be experienced with the use of Masteron Enanthate at any dosage used at all.


How Does Masteron Enanthate Work and How Is It Best Used?

Masteron Enanthate is a long estered (and therefore, long-acting) variant of Masteron, and is, therefore, best utilized in the context of longer cycle lengths (upwards of 10 – 12 weeks or longer). It is best used in cutting cycles, and even better for pre-contest cycles for competitive bodybuilders. Those who are looking for any significant strength gains or to bulk up on Masteron Enanthate will be greatly disappointed, as this is one anabolic steroid that is not deemed as very impressive in the area of anabolic strength, and in some cases might be weaker in strength than Testosterone. Masteron’s anabolic rating is that of 63 – 130. Testosterone’s anabolic rating, by comparison, is 100. We can see here that Masteron is at worst, about 30% weaker than Testosterone’s anabolic capabilities, and at best it is 30% stronger than Testosterone in this regard (where receptor binding affinity is concerned). So, while one could definitely experience satisfying results from Masteron Enanthate, it would by no means elicit an impressive or anywhere near dramatic response in an individual. Furthermore, Masteron Enanthate is best utilized in conjunction with other anabolic steroids. Its solitary use alone might yield disappointment for the user, especially if the individual is not a bare beginner or first-time anabolic steroid user.



Masteron Enanthate dosage requirements do not need to be that high, but it is recommended to begin (and normally maintain) around 400mg weekly. Ultimately, it is dependent almost completely on what the individual wishes to gain from the cycle and the compound itself. Beginner Masteron Enanthate dosage normally begins at the aforementioned 400mg/week zone, though many bodybuilders who utilize it only for its anti-estrogenic or pre-contest effects could easily utilize 200mg/week on top of other compounds.

If the individual’s body fat percentage is low enough in this case, there should be significant aesthetic benefits to the physique even in the dosage range of 200mg/week. Intermediate and advanced Masteron Enanthate doses as high as 600mg/week or higher (800mg/week or more) can be used, but are almost entirely unnecessary. Those who wish to gain significant amounts of strength and size from Masteron Enanthate would have to venture that high, but considering the expensive nature of this compound and its capabilities, it would be a waste to use Masteron Enanthate for a purpose such as mass and strength gains.

Furthermore, the capabilities of Masteron is understood by nearly all bodybuilders to be an aesthetic enhancement one – not a significant performance enhancement one, and certainly not a significant size and strength gaining one either.



Often used by athletes, Masteron helps their blood levels to rise and also helps to shoot up their plasma levels. Masteron Enanthate is one of the favourite injectable anabolic steroids of bodybuilders and athletes, because it has anti-estrogenic properties due to which it does not convert to estrogen through aromatization, and it works for longer durations.


Masteron Enanthate Side Effects

Masteron Enanthate is known for having quite a positive safety and tolerance record, although with it being an anabolic steroid by nature, there are some Masteron Enanthate side effects to be aware of and watch out for.

First and foremost, it is important to mention that there is no risk what so ever of any Estrogen related side effects from Masteron Enanthate alone. Masteron Enanthate not only avoids aromatization into Estrogen completely, but it even acts as an anti-Estrogen in many cases. Therefore, the typical estrogenic side effects that result from the use of aromatizable anabolic steroids is avoided. This includes: bloating, water retention, blood pressure increases (as a result of water retention), acne, and gynecomastia. Because of Masteron’s  anti-estrogenic properties, it can actually help prevent or mitigate these side effects if they are occurring from other anabolic steroids that do aromatize.

Androgenic Masteron Enanthate side effects are a concern and might be more so with Masteron than other anabolic steroids. Being a DHT-derivative, Masteron has the capability of being somewhat on the more androgenic side, and those who are sensitive to androgenic side effects should bear this in mind. Androgenic side effects include increased oily skin, acne, increased aggression/irritability, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and male pattern baldness if the genetic predisposition for it exists in the individual.

An important note here is that 5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as Proscar, FInasteride, Dutasteride, or Propecia will do absolutely nothing to prevent the androgenic Masteron Enanthate side effects from occurring due to the fact that Masteron Enanthate does not undergo reduction into a more androgenic form in the body.


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