Tri Tren 150mg 10ml

£45.00 £

Trenbolone is well known for being one of the single greatest cutting steroids of all time, and as a result, that’s when most will use Tri-Trenabol.


Tri-Tren is an extremely powerful Trenbolone blend containing three active Trenbolone compounds mixed together in a single unit.

Tri-Trenabol Functions & Traits:

tri- tren contains three active Trenbolone hormones, Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and Trenbolone Enanthate. Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid derived from Nandrolone that carries an anabolic rating of 500 and an androgenic rating of 500. Not only are its structural ratings tremendous, but its translating anabolic and androgenic activity will also match its ratings, which isn’t always the case with all steroids. Trenbolone will also carry several primary steroidal traits similar to many other anabolic steroids, but it will carry them at rates of power far beyond what other steroids can do.

The following seven traits represent how the Trenbolone hormone functions, and as a result, how Tri-Trenabol functions. You will notice many of these traits are identical to many anabolic steroids, such as those surrounding nitrogen and IGF-1; however, Trenbolone carries them at far greater rates of power. The primary traits of Trenbolone include:

  • Enhanced Nitrogen Retention
  • Increased IGF-1 Production
  • Enhanced Protein Synthesis
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count
  • Decreased Glucocorticoid Production
  • Strong Androgen Binding
  • Enhanced Feed Efficiency


Effects of Tri-Trenabol:

Trenbolone is well known for being one of the single greatest cutting steroids of all time, and as a result, that’s when most will use tri- tren. The effects of Tri-Trenabol during this phase of use will equal the following:

  • Preservation:Losing body fat requires a calorie deficit and this puts lean tissue at risk. Tri-Trenabol will protect your lean tissue that would otherwise be lost along with body fat without anabolic protection. Successful dieting is both of these factors, fat loss and tissue preservation.
  • Fat Loss:Due to the metabolic enhancement you will burn body fat at a higher and more efficient rate. Due to the strong binding to the androgen receptor, Tri-Trenabol will actually promote direct fat loss, not merely a spiked metabolism.
  • Conditioning:The effects of Tri-Trenabol are well known for promoting a harder and dryer physique, and one that is far more defined when the body is lean. Even if you are not bodybuilding contest lean you should notice a notable improvement in conditioning, but the leaner you are the stronger the look will be.

As with many steroids, Tri-Trenabol will greatly improve muscular endurance and the overall rate of recovery. It is one of the best steroids on earth for recovery. However, some have reported that cardiovascular endurance becomes a little weaker with this steroid, but this is also very hit or miss. It does not appear to affect everyone this way and many athletes have enjoyed success with Tri-Trenabol and other Trenbolone compounds. In fact, while it can reduce cardiovascular endurance, the fear of this is commonly exaggerated.


Side Effects of Tri-Trenabol:

When looking at the possible side effects of tri- tren, we will find they are very similar to many anabolic steroids. However, we will find there are a few response effects that cannot occur with other steroids and are what have caused so much confusion regarding Trenbolone.

Estrogenic: The side effects of Tri-Trenabol are not estrogenic in the traditional sense. This steroid does not aromatize and that will make water retention impossible and gynecomastia far less likely. However, it is a progestin and progesterone has the ability to stimulate the estrogenic mechanism in the mammary tissue thereby promoting gynecomastia. Men who are sensitive will have the strongest concern.
Androgenic: As Trenbolone is highly androgenic the possible side effects of Tri-Trenabol will include those of an androgenic nature. The possible androgenic side effects of Tri-Trenabol include acne, hair loss and body hair growth. While all are possible they are highly dependent on genetic predispositions.
Cardiovascular: The side effects of Tri-Trenabol can include high blood pressure in some men. Water retention is the number one cause of high blood pressure among steroid users, and that shouldn’t be an issue here, but high blood pressure is still possible in some men.

Testosterone: The side effects of Tri-Trenabol include testosterone suppression in all men who supplement. Most all anabolic steroids will suppress natural testosterone production. The rate of suppression is dependent on the steroid in question and the total dose, but even with a low dose of Tri-Trenabol suppression will be very significant.
Hepatotoxicity: Trenbolone is generally considered a non-hepatotoxic steroid making liver damage or stress highly unlikely. However, toxicity has been noted in some individuals who have abused the hormone.
Response: There are four possible side effects of tri- tren that are response related. These side effects will not show in all men who use the hormone, but they will make it impossible for some men to use the Trenbolone hormone. The response side effects of Tri-Trenabol include anxiety, insomnia, night sweats and rapid heart rate.

Tri-Trenabol Administration:

Tri-Trenabol doses will most commonly fall in the 150-300mg per week range. Many men will be able to tolerate 450mg per week but this will increase the risk of possible side effects. Most will want to start with 150mg per week and gauge their response. It is also important to keep in mind, as this is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid it will not take a lot to produce noticeable results. Regardless of your tri- tren dose, 8-12 weeks of use is common with most finding the 8 week range to be the most tolerable. As for stacking, Tri-Trenabol stacks well with any and all anabolic steroids. During off-season periods of use, some form of testosterone with the possible addition of Dianabol or Anadrol is common. Some may also find Nandrolone to be beneficial, but this combo is normally reserved for advanced steroid users. During the cutting phase, at least a minimal amount of testosterone is advised. Other steroids that stack well with Tri-Trenabol include Anavar, Primobolan and Winstrol.



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