What is TTM ?
TTM 300mg 10ml
It has a long acting ester that will make this a very powerful anabolic steroid blend.
TTM stands for its composition it is made up of which is :-
Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone cypionate is a self-administered medication. You can use this therapy on yourself at any time once your doctor shows you how. Testosterone cypionate is marketed under the trade name Depo-Testosterone.
Trenbolone Enanthate: TTM 300mg 10ml
Trenbolone esters increase the absorption of ammonia ions by muscles which leads to increase in translation process which means more protein formation. Despite all the advantages, it causes similar side effects as other steroids like decreased catabolic effects etc..
Trenbolone increases the body’s testosterone concentration which increases male sexual characteristics, libidoetc. Trenbolone’s potency is five times that of testosterone. Trenbolone has a greater harmony for the progesterone receptor and also accords with the glucocorticoid receptor.
Masteron enanthate
Drostanolone consists of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but is far more anabolic and effective than DHT produced naturally in the body, making things much more pleasant and agreeable. Because it is a pure DHT derivative, it cannot aromatize into estrogen in the body. It will also have anti-estrogen properties. It also increases translation and erythropoiesis in the same manner that all steroids do, but only slightly.
Serious risks and side effects it may cause: TTM 300mg 10ml
Immediately after the administration of injection It may lead to severe breathing problems and hypersensitivity reactions.
Oily skin prone to acne problems
Anxiety, stress and mood swings
Deepening of voice
Development of insomnia
Mechanism of action: TTM 300mg 10ml
It acts by binding to androgen receptors. Activation of Target genes.
Increased translation of proteins.
Thus, increased growth of muscles and tissue repair.
Additionally, it reduces breakdown of proteins.
Benefits or applications: TTM 300mg 10ml
It stimulates puberty in children with delayed puberty
It can also be used to treat lobular or breast cancer in women by
Moreover, it improves bone density, muscle strength and mass
Also causes uniform fat distribution.
Benefits patients of erectile dysfunction
As it increases endurance, muscle strength and power and also enhances performance it is advisable for bodybuilders to train harder and for longer durations.
How should this medicine be used?
It is injected intramuscularly and a pellet may be deposited under the skin or constant release under the guidance of a doctor or nurse.
Dose must be adjusted according to the present testosterone levels in the body and the reaction the patient’s body may produce towards the treatment.
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