Dianabol 10mg x 100 Tabs

£35.00 £

Dianabol is most effective for intensifying strength and mass gain. Because it is low-cost and can be taken by mouth, it is popular with people new to steroids and those that are uncomfortable using injectable steroids.



Dianabol is the brand name of methandienone or methandrostenolone. It is one of the best known orally administered androgenic and anabolic steroid.

Methandienone was first in 1955 by CIBA, for the German and United States markets. Produce under the brand name Dianabol, it became very popular androgenic anabolic steroid among sportsmen, especially for bodybuilders, and still maintains that popularity. This is because it enhances physique and performance as it was purposes created for bucking.

There are many other therapeutic uses for this product, including its availability as Dianabol 10mg tablets in some regions. You can have access to Dianabol without any prescription in some countries, while countries like the United Kingdom and the United States have very strict regulations on them. In fact, the FDA has banned the non-medical use of Dianabol and many other drugs containing methandienone.


What Dianabol does in the Body

Dianabol, which is in the C17 steroid family, modifies the testosterone hormone by adding a double bond with carbon on the molecular chain. This enables it to alter how the body reacts to it and therefore last longer when administered.

Dianabol has an androgen rating of 40 to 60, below the ratings of testosterone, which is 100. However, it has a stronger protein synthesis capability with high nitrogen retention.

Dianabol also interacts with other steroids pretty well, so you can use it with other steroids like Trenbolone and Equipoise.


Benefits of Using Dianabol

Dianabol is very effective for bulking especially during off seasons. You can gain about 20 pounds in weight after a few weeks and that makes it great for bodybuilders. You can also pair it with a protein-rich diet for high performance.

This makes it one of the potent bodybuilding steroids on the market today. But not all athletes are in the business of increasing mass and as such may require other steroids that won’t build them up. These athletes can rely on steroids like Winstrol that does not increase mass.

Dianabol is also very effective when used as a cutting agent for your weightlifting or training cycle. But it seems many builders prefer other steroids for cutting since Dianabol provides less lean tissues protection. Other benefits include;

  • Increase in metabolism rate
  • Stimulate your body fat
  • Increases recovery rate during workouts
  • Increases your strength and endurance


Side Effects of Using Dianabol

Yes, you can have such a great benefit when using Dianabol tablets, but be aware that these benefits come with a great cost. This is why the FDA clamped down on its use in America. So before you even decide to use it, consider the following side effects.

  • Dianabol has an estrogenic effect on the body like many other anabolic steroids. Prolong use of Dianabol would change it to a methylestradiol and produce gynecomastia effects like man boobs, change of voice, and other feminine features (seehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metandienone). To prevent this, you would have to take an anti-estrogenic supplement including SERMS and Aromatase Inhibitors. Remember that using anti-androgens can cause liver problems.
  • High water retention rate is another problem associated with Dianabol and that can cause high blood pressure.
  • It increases your desire for sex
  • It comes with masculinization effects like acne and increased hair growth.
  • Using Dianabol can increase your LDL cholesterol level while suppressing the production of HDL cholesterol. This can cause cardiovascular problems.
  • It reduces the testosterone level in the body since it suppresses its production.
  • Causes insomnia


How to Use Dianabol

To reduce the risks of deteriorating the body, you must use Dianabol moderately. Your body size may determine the dose to use per day. A moderate daily use should be between 30 mg to 50 mg a day.

Going above this dose means more and rapid risk for the body. The recommended dose is 15 to 25 mg and even with this low dose, you can achieve great results. This dosage puts less stress on the body.

Having a half-life of about 3 to 5 hours, you can break the recommended dose into two doses and take it in around five hours distance. This is recommended for persons who would need it in longer hours for competition or hard training.


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